Aarathy Kastury Raj
Powerslide Racing Pro Team
Name: Aarathy kasturiraj
Country: India
Current Location: Chennai
Loving to skate since: 6 years
Riding for Powerslide since: 2023
Current Skate Setup: Ultra light Mc cargo boot, 3X 4 frame (3*110 1*100), Phoenix wheels from POWERSLIDE
Favorite skate: Ultralight McCargo boot
Favorite frames: 3X4 frame
Favorite wheels: Phoenix Hard from PS
Favorite bearings: Wicked Titanium
Why do you love to skate? The speed fascinates me, it’s my happy place and no matter how hard the day is the skating calms me
down and helps me focus.
What keeps you pushing forward in skating? To find the best version of myself. Skating is passion for me and I enjoy it the most. I want to always
try getting faster and keep chasing my dreams.
What is your favorite place to skate? Nothing like an home track (chennai). I also like parabolic tracks. Since we don’t have a vesmaco track
in India I like skating on them whenever I get a chance too
What is your favorite trick? Haha I don’t think I’m good at any trick.
What advice would you like to give? Keep believing and dreaming everything will happen at the right time. Keep pushing till you achieve
your dream. I'm the 1st India skater to reach the POWERSLIDE pro team. I hope it will inspire more India kids to get their too.
Any hobbies outside of skating? Haha I love sleeping since I hardly got to sleep when I had to manage university and training
Do you have a life philosophy or phrase that inspires you? There is no shortcut to success. Trust the process.
Some more private questions:
What is your favorite food? I’m a desert person I love any kind of desert
What is your favorite drink? Hot chocolate
Racing specific:
What was your greatest success? I won the gold at Swiss in-line cup when I was 12 yrs old that was the changing point in my career.
Finishing 5th at the world games in Birmingham and Winning the silver in 1000mts and bronze in the
road race at Flanders gave me the hope that I might be going closer to my dreams and made me
realise I’m capable of so much more
What is your favorite race? I love racing the points and 1000mts. Marathons are my favourite too and i always dream to win Berlin one day.