Roman Abrate
UC Undercover Pro Team
Name: Roman Abrate
Country: France
Current Location: Gap, France
Undercover since: long time...
Current Skate Setup: Aeons skate, sometimes on my pro skate with 68mm, sometimes on XIX with 64mm
Favorite wheel size: 64mm
Favorite profile: Bullet (Apex)
Current Wheel setup: The new Apex collection 64mm (my pro wheels) with UC antirockers
Are you into Big wheels? Not much on big wheels
Flat or antirocker? Depending of the situation, easy for me to change between flat and antirocker. Sometimes I prefer flat setup to skate bowl and Fise park. And for technical trick on ledges or disaster tricks, I feel more comfortable with antirockers.
What color under your feet? I love red and blue wheels, as you can see with my different pro models.. haha

E-Fise - Pro Park 1st, Park Best Line 1st, Park Best Trick 1st (2020)

Baltic Games, Big Air 1st (2019)
World Urban Games, Budapest 1st (2019)

Ghetto Games 1st: (2018)
World roller Games, China: 1st (2017, 2018)